Monday, February 10, 2020

Reciting poem

           On today I got a chance to see my classmates recite their poems. I got a different feel of poetry that I never felt before. By seeing them recite their poem on today I think I would do great tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


      On today we went over the answers to the questions we made as a group. Today I learned not everybody can understand what the question is asking. Some answer choices where all incorrect and some was some what close. I feel like if I was out to the task I can do it now from what I learned today.

Monday, January 13, 2020


         On today we focused on the concept that “money is the root of all evil.” I do not completely agree with the statement. The Bible states that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Some people tend too over love money which makes them do evil things. You should never love money more than anything if you love whatever you do then money will come too you.

Friday, January 10, 2020


      On today we finished reading the Canterbury tale we started on yesterday. Too wards the end I started to agree more with the Knights view of what a woman most desire is. He asked the old woman what we should like to do as in would she like to control him and that’s exactly what she wanted to do. He no longer looked at her as a old woman any more. She became the young woman that he always wanted as their love grew. As a girl I feel like that would be my ideal view to because every girl for the most part is going to want to be the one that does the controlling.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Canterbury tales

      On today we started reading some of the Canterbury tales. The one that stood out too me was Canterbury wife of bath take.  She asked the question “what is the thing women most desire? ” This question stood out the most to me because I actually never thought about what I most desired. When reading the stuff that people that were being asked answered I never thought about any desires like that. Now after reading some of that tale the thing I think I most desire is happiness.