Sunday, October 14, 2018

First Quarter Summary

  First quarter was full of discussions. Everything we did we turnt it into a discussion or an argument. Through out the quarter I got too know my classmates better and also Mr.Rease. In the quarter I learned the basics behind writing an essay. I was giving the steps too follow through out each body paragraph. However I didn’t like the outcome of my grade because I know it could have been better. This quarter I would like to improve on my writing skills and technique. I will also continue to learn about how to manage time.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Its Never Too Late For That First Long Distance Hike

It’s Never Too Late For That First Long Distance Hike
     This article is mainly about this guy and his famous buddy Read Miller convincing him too go on his first long distance hike.  So basically this article tells about the route on his first hike. The hike began on March 9 at highway 58. This article also tells you some good living materials you need while hiking. They talked about everything they bring on the hike. Materials include: lamps, water, sleeping bags, trail mix’s etc.

3 Facts I Learned
1. Hikertown is a private home owned by Richard Skaggs.
2. When you are hiking getting sand in your shoes can cause you too have a lot of blisters.
3. Ranchers in Cottonwood Canyon are friendly too hikers.

2 Interesting Facts
1. He was 63 years old going on his first hike.
2. His friend Read Miller who convinced him to hike was a veteran PCT thru-hiker and has completed many other long treks in the United States and Europe.

2 Unanswered Questions
1. How did they end up loosing the trail markers?
2. When did Read Miller go on his first hike?

2 Words
1. Hiking- a long walk especially in the country or wilderness
2. PCT- pacific crest trail

 One connection I made with this article is letting a friend convince me too do something. In the article Read convinced bill to go on his first hike. I have been in the same predicament where a friend convinced me too do something.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


          Any time I have free time I like to play basketball. Basketball is something I hope I get a scholarship for too play because that’s my second biggest goal. This year I want to achieve good grades throughout the whole school year and improve on my reading and writing skills. Mainly I want too do those things too past my AP exam. The reason I’m taking AP classes is too challenge myself and basically skip some of my college classes because I am sure that I’m going too college.


This is my introduction.