Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mirror reflection

     Today we read the poem Mirror by Sylvia Plath. After reading the poem I begin to think about what I see in myself when I look in the mirror. When I look in the mirror I see this beautiful talented little girl that will succeed in anything she wants too do . I see a hardworking talent driven girl that strives for greatness.

Mr Rease Absence

     On yesterday our teacher was absent so we was told to finish what we was doing Friday which was creating a perfect body paragraph. We also worked on our skit that we will later act out today. I was not able too post this blog on yesterday due too personal reasons.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Field Trip

        On today I sat in the library all day. Mostly the whole class was gone on the field trip too see the Frankenstein play so I was alone. Overall I just chilled because we didn’t have a substitute.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

90s Day Party

         On today it was almost like a fun day. When we entered class we started off by taking pictures that will later be in our AP book. Too make the day even better we even had our own little party which was started by Mr. Rease playing old 90s music. Today was really great!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fences essay

       On today we were put in assigned groups to gather one paragraph on a given prompt. My group really came together well and brainstormed together excellent. I think that my group will have the best paper and win the bonus points.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Finishing Fences

     On today we finished reading the play Fences. At the end of the back it was a very unexpected ending. At the end of the block we were assigned a scene where we have too put together a skit for it. My group will be doing the scene where Lyons ask Troy for 10 dollars in the play.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

No Teacher

    On today Mr. Rease was absent. We was left with a assignment that had too be turned in too the substitute before we exited the class. Overall it was a good day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Defensible claim

      On today we focused mainly on how too make defensible claims. After reading more on the play Fences we was asked too make a defensible claim in Troy’s personality and Rose’s personality. After all I really didn’t find it that difficult too make a defensible claim.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay discussion

     On today we went over our essays that we wrote for Macbeth. Today was a learning experience for us because we not only learned how too properly correct the paper but we also learned how too find errors within the paper. From what I learned today I think my next essay would be great.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Portrait Day

      It was finally senior portraits day!! We didn’t die too much because we had potraits so our eqt was pushed until tomorrow. I really enjoyed the little fun time in AP LIT today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fences Act1 Scene 3-4

Today in AP lit we picked up where we left off reading Fences. In this part of the play this is where a lot of teenagers can make a lot of connections with Cory who was a 17 year old boy. I’m also beginning too see that after all reading plays are not so hard when you’re actually into them.


     We are now on a new play called Fences!! After reading Macbeth I was very excited too get started on a new play because of the excitement it brings. So far fences is a very interesting play.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Yellow wallpaper quiz

     On today we took a quiz on The Yellow Wallpaper with our group. While doing the test I felt like my group and I was doing good. Turns out when we went over the answers we didn’t do so well.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Ending of The Yellow Wallpaper

      On yesterday we finished reading the yellow wallpaper. It turned out too actually be a pretty good story. We was put into 6 teams so now we have competition while reading. I feel like my team is probaly  in second place. Overall yesterday was a very good day in AP LIT.