Saturday, June 15, 2019

Reader Profile

Elsie Harris.                                                                                                                                 Harris 1
AP Lit
14 June 2019

                                             Reader Profile

    As an AP student entering AP lit I hope too improve my skills and ways of learning just like those of last year taking AP language & composition. Last year I started off in a slump not completing books , work, horrible time management, etc... I started too improve toward the end before I took the AP exam. The key too becoming a good reader is first discovering your weakness. Every good reader ahas strengths and weaknesses.  My strengths with reading prose fiction is that I can find multiple rhetorical devices within the novel that helps sometimes make connections with myself. However, with prose fiction I tend too have difficulties summarizing the novel. When I’m done reading it’s like I forget everything that I just finish reading. Poetry on the other hand set various moods for readers. When it comes too poetry I am very good at visualizing what the author is saying. It is very easy too make connections with a couple of lines when it comes too poetry. However, a reader can find it extremely difficult too comprehend what the author is trying too get you too make connections too. It is also very hard too read in between the lines and predict what’s going too happen next. Also when reading poetry you might come across a lot of words that you don’t know. Furthermore, reading helps me expand on my vocabulary and come up with more strategies and skills of learning.

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