Tuesday, December 17, 2019


  On today it was a pretty straight to the point day. We took eqt’s and got our grade and our quarter grade.

Monday, December 16, 2019


       On today we were put into groups and was giving find different topics about the Color Purple. The task basically was too help us prepare for our eqt on tomorrow. I feel like it helped a lot because I got knowledge from my group members that I didn’t know.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


        On today we basically discussed the novel all day. We jotted down key events and the moments that was caused by the book. We also went over some AP prompts too see if we understand how to interpret them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The shocking truth

    On today we got deeper into The Color Purple where I later got shocked. Nettie has revealed that Pa isn’t really her n Celie’s father. This hit Celie hard because all this time she has been thinking her own father been raping her instead he isn’t really her father.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Finishing color purple

        On today the groups who didn’t finish their letter presentations finished today. We also started reading where now Nettie is writing the letters. I’ll always feel like Celie’s letters is better then Nettie’s because she is writing to God.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Pop quiz

      Well today we had a pop quiz surprisingly. Overall the test wasn’t really hard at all. As we got into more depth with the letters letter 45-49 it was very personal to Celie.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sub day

      On today we had a sub so there really was nothing we could do. We basically just talked and got too know our classmates more than what we already knew about them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Preparing for essay

         Today we basically started preparing for our in class essay on tomorrow. We did the paragraph together as a class to get a better understanding. I hope what we did today hope me on tomorrow.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Finishing Questions

      On today we mainly worked on finishing our discussion questions. For the remainder of the period we went over some true and false claims that were made by my classmates when we wrote an essay in the play Fences. While doing the task I started too realize how crazy somethings look and sound. It wasn’t good but I learned a lot from just going over some of the statements.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Discussion question guide

     On today we finished answering the questions for the letters we had covered. We also got deeper into the back where the personality of more characters was revealed. I’m really enjoying reading this novel it is very interesting.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Color purple

        On today we started reading The Color Purple. From the start I knew it was good book just from the first page. The graphic in the book is very explicit and open but you have too think about as if you were Celia at 14 years old going through what she went through.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Literary Analysis

    On today we completed the literary analysis off three poems we read by Ben Johnson. While doing I came across some difficulties understanding some of the questions. Some of the questions were complex and hard for me too understand but I was later helped by a classmate.

Friday, November 8, 2019


          The whole block we mainly focused on the interpretation of the poem The Moon and the Yew Tree by Sylvia Plath. By us going over it as a class it really helped me get a better understanding of it. We also told themes about the poem.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Group analysis

      On today we was put into groups too analyze a poem by Sylvia Plath. The analyzing was not easy because different people in my group had different perceptions of our stanza. After all we end up agreeing on something finally and was able too complete the assignment.

Analyzing poem

          You’re was the poem that we were analyzing. He let us work together too analyze the function of each simile in the poem. At first it was very hard too understand till we found out what the author was comparing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Creating poem

     On yesterday we had too write a poem with similar qualities like Sylvia Plath’s Mirror poem. Writing that poem was not a easy task. The hardest part was thinking of stuff too write like what the object will tell you.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mirror reflection

     Today we read the poem Mirror by Sylvia Plath. After reading the poem I begin to think about what I see in myself when I look in the mirror. When I look in the mirror I see this beautiful talented little girl that will succeed in anything she wants too do . I see a hardworking talent driven girl that strives for greatness.

Mr Rease Absence

     On yesterday our teacher was absent so we was told to finish what we was doing Friday which was creating a perfect body paragraph. We also worked on our skit that we will later act out today. I was not able too post this blog on yesterday due too personal reasons.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Field Trip

        On today I sat in the library all day. Mostly the whole class was gone on the field trip too see the Frankenstein play so I was alone. Overall I just chilled because we didn’t have a substitute.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

90s Day Party

         On today it was almost like a fun day. When we entered class we started off by taking pictures that will later be in our AP book. Too make the day even better we even had our own little party which was started by Mr. Rease playing old 90s music. Today was really great!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fences essay

       On today we were put in assigned groups to gather one paragraph on a given prompt. My group really came together well and brainstormed together excellent. I think that my group will have the best paper and win the bonus points.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Finishing Fences

     On today we finished reading the play Fences. At the end of the back it was a very unexpected ending. At the end of the block we were assigned a scene where we have too put together a skit for it. My group will be doing the scene where Lyons ask Troy for 10 dollars in the play.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

No Teacher

    On today Mr. Rease was absent. We was left with a assignment that had too be turned in too the substitute before we exited the class. Overall it was a good day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Defensible claim

      On today we focused mainly on how too make defensible claims. After reading more on the play Fences we was asked too make a defensible claim in Troy’s personality and Rose’s personality. After all I really didn’t find it that difficult too make a defensible claim.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay discussion

     On today we went over our essays that we wrote for Macbeth. Today was a learning experience for us because we not only learned how too properly correct the paper but we also learned how too find errors within the paper. From what I learned today I think my next essay would be great.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Portrait Day

      It was finally senior portraits day!! We didn’t die too much because we had potraits so our eqt was pushed until tomorrow. I really enjoyed the little fun time in AP LIT today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fences Act1 Scene 3-4

Today in AP lit we picked up where we left off reading Fences. In this part of the play this is where a lot of teenagers can make a lot of connections with Cory who was a 17 year old boy. I’m also beginning too see that after all reading plays are not so hard when you’re actually into them.


     We are now on a new play called Fences!! After reading Macbeth I was very excited too get started on a new play because of the excitement it brings. So far fences is a very interesting play.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Yellow wallpaper quiz

     On today we took a quiz on The Yellow Wallpaper with our group. While doing the test I felt like my group and I was doing good. Turns out when we went over the answers we didn’t do so well.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Ending of The Yellow Wallpaper

      On yesterday we finished reading the yellow wallpaper. It turned out too actually be a pretty good story. We was put into 6 teams so now we have competition while reading. I feel like my team is probaly  in second place. Overall yesterday was a very good day in AP LIT.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ending of Macbeth

    On today we finished reading Macbeth and I can finally say that the end was unpredictable. The end is really where the climax occurred as Macbeth was killed. Besides finishing the play we learned how too go about the brainstorming process when writing an essay for a play. We was put in groups with 3 different prompts and was challenged too brainstorm. On tomorrow we will learn how too write the thesis statement for it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The play

       On yesterday I had the most excited in AP lit that I have had all school year. We presented our plays according too the scenario that was given too us. It was very exciting too watch how different groups came about their scenario and displayed it. The class was very engaged and overall I feel like everybody did good.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Act two

   On today we started reading act two of the William Shakespeare play “Macbeth”. This is where the play really got interesting. This is where the killing of king Duncan actually happens. There are a lot of holes that suggest Macbeth is guilty but we will see what happens next.

Killing Investigation

Friday, September 13, 2019

Macbeth act1-6

    Today we started reading the Macbeth play. First we got our roles and characters that we are going too be playing. As for as me I am the sergeant . The play became very interesting I can’t wait too read more tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


    On today we started taking notes on one of Shakespeare’s plays titled “Macbeth”. While taking notes we was also hit with some critical thinking questions. I was able too hear about how others think about situations such as how one would resist a bad temptation that they came across. Overall it was another great day in AP LIT.

Sub day

      On yesterday Mr. Rease was absent so we sat in another teachers class. In the class we watched funny videos and a lot of vines. It was a really chill day that I needed.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Shakespeare reflect

  Today was a very difficult day. I learned how too write a sonnet but the process wasn’t very easy. The hardest part was remembering that you have too have a unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. While doing that you also have too remember the 5 feet foot. The rhyme scheme  was also very hard but overall I got through and completed the assignment.

Elsie’s Sonnet

   Grandaddy, why you had too leave so soon?
    Your time was so unexpected too me
     Your wait I went too with many balloons
      Was a sad site for me too see no glee
     The saddest day of life when you left me
      I felt your soul leave in so many ways
       You was just too sweet for the blind too see
        Heart felt like it was my last high school play
     I filled my heart with plenty happiness
      Just too get through every sleepless cold night
      So many memories still caused sadness
      Wrap up in my bed to regret despite
   Although you’re gone my love remains the same
   Never thought my heart would overcome this pain.


On yesterday we started off class by first taking notes about what we will need too know too understand Shakespeare’s poem. Learning about stressed and unstressed syllables was the funniest part. We also learned that all Shakespeare poems have a rhyme scheme. Overall yesterday was a very good and chill day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Emily Dickinson

     Yesterday I learned not only how too analyze a poem but also how too analyze the tititoe of a poem. By analyzing the title of a poem it gives you a idea about what the poem is going too be about. I had fun learning how too find out the literal meaning of phrases. Overall yesterday was a great day in AP lit

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Reader Profile

Elsie Harris.                                                                                                                                 Harris 1
AP Lit
14 June 2019

                                             Reader Profile

    As an AP student entering AP lit I hope too improve my skills and ways of learning just like those of last year taking AP language & composition. Last year I started off in a slump not completing books , work, horrible time management, etc... I started too improve toward the end before I took the AP exam. The key too becoming a good reader is first discovering your weakness. Every good reader ahas strengths and weaknesses.  My strengths with reading prose fiction is that I can find multiple rhetorical devices within the novel that helps sometimes make connections with myself. However, with prose fiction I tend too have difficulties summarizing the novel. When I’m done reading it’s like I forget everything that I just finish reading. Poetry on the other hand set various moods for readers. When it comes too poetry I am very good at visualizing what the author is saying. It is very easy too make connections with a couple of lines when it comes too poetry. However, a reader can find it extremely difficult too comprehend what the author is trying too get you too make connections too. It is also very hard too read in between the lines and predict what’s going too happen next. Also when reading poetry you might come across a lot of words that you don’t know. Furthermore, reading helps me expand on my vocabulary and come up with more strategies and skills of learning.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Meal time

      Meal time is important because it builds family relationships. When my mom come home from work when we eat is our time too talk about different things. When we all are eating together we have a chance too catch up on things that we haven’t talked about. Having meal time is also important because it keeps one off their phone. From my experience, I have noticed that when we eat with my grandmother no one pulls out their phone. By not being on your phone it can entitle you too working on building the bond that you always wished for. Furthermore,having meal time helps build family relationships.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Chapter 15

     In this chapter Vivian asks Grant if she can meet his aunt. She was still having a little doubt a little doubt because she thought about the in law situation . Vivian is a light skinned woman so when she married a dark skin boy her family was lost for words they freaked out. Tante Lou was disappointed at Vivian . He asked what where they going too do because Grant doesn’t go too church. Grant doesn’t believe in God so Tante Lou’s main focus was what they were going too do about that situation.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Chapter 14

    In this chapter Vivian is at Grants house. When Grant introduced her too the community you could tell that he was really feeling Vivian. In the field of sugarcane Grant and Vivian make love. From the looks of it it looks as if they relationship has gotten stronger.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chapter 1-3 reflection day 1

       I found chapters 1-3 very interesting. It first tells us about Jefferson, a black man alibi on the same night Mr.Grope a white store owner who was killed. Jefferson’s attorney told the court that he was a boy, instead of a man. In chapter 2 I later discovered that Jefferson being called a hog and a boy bothered Miss Emma deeply. Tante Lov convinces Grant to go and take herself and Miss Emma to talk too Henri Pinchot about him no longer being a boy I fact saying that he would die as a man.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


    In Martin Luther King’s speech he makes use of many rhetorical devices. In the “I Have a Dream” speech he uses repetition, pathos, and logos. One repetition that Dr.King uses is “I have a dream”. He kept using it too show how he really dreamed of America and how he hope it will be. Dr.King also uses “Now is the time” to emphasize that it was the time too march on Washington. Dr.King also uses pathos too appeal too the emotions of the people of America. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character ”. “This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning “My country, ‘‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing”. King appealed too the audience emotions by mentioning the kids in a better predicament.

Friday, January 18, 2019

American Dream

     In my opinion the American Dream is the belief that each person has the opportunity to achieve his or her dreams. Each individual should aspire too happiness and contentment. Every American citizens should have the opportunity too accumulate wealth and happiness.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019



Everything has to end
no matter if you wanted it forever or temporarily 
Everything has to end
no matter if you loved it or hate it
Some day everyone dies and rises again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

1st Blog of 2019

     One thing I learned from first semester was how too be a better comprehender. When I first entered Mr.Rease class I had trouble comprehending what I read but now I have no problem. Now I know that annotating is a big skill too use too comprehend.

   Something I need too work on is time management. When we do the practice essays I have no time management I always be on the last paragraph. By taking Mr.Rease that could be a easy task too overcome.

    Something I hope too learn is how too understand poems. I have a difficult time understanding poems because they don’t always make it easy too know what they talking about.